How To Add Alt Tags To Blogger Images

Blogger users would be pleased to note that Blogger has introduced some great new features in uploading pictures and adding alt tags. This article is simply to point out the new changes to you and help you utilise them fully to benefit your site. 
A person viewing your images knows exactly what they're about. However, even though Googlebots can read the text on your site, they can't read images. The only way Google and other search engines can know what your image is about is for you to tell them. When someone searches for the image of a white rose in the search panel, you can have the best white roses on your blog but your pictures will never come up in the search results unless the search engines know you've got them on your site. How do they know this? By alt tags! And this is why it's so important to know how to add alt tags.

See this page for the total list of Blogger new, updated features to help you blog better and improve your site significantly. 

5 Great Ways to Hunt For a Writing Job

Quite a number of people love to write, and a decent amount of these individuals actually want to turn writing into a career. This field can be a tough one to break into, but if you consult with these resources, you absolutely have a chance! Read on to get a head start.

Online Writing Jobs
In the year 2013, you really need to be starting online if you want to find a writing job. So many content-driven websites exist, and they are really growing by the day. As a result, content is needed for these sites themselves, and sometimes they're looking to sell out content to other sites in turn. Regardless of your experience or background, it's wise for almost everyone to seek out content-writing positions. 

The Importance Of Knowing Your Niche

Anyone looking to write website content needs to find their niche. We all know that a popular website is one that has understandable and informative content, and that only comes from expertise. Some website owners actually overlook content when creating their website, but this is a colossal mistake. Great writing and content is not only about grammar - that is an only a small part of the equation. You've GOT to have a niche, and know it! Here are five tips to find the niche for you.

Anyone looking to write about a niche needs to write about their passion. Everyone has something they are truly passionate about, whether it is mountain biking, travelling, or the stock market. When a writer writes about their passion, the reader can tell, because it's much more than work, it's fun! 

Write Search Descriptions For Blog Posts in Blogger

Being able to write search descriptions for blog posts in Blogger gives bloggers a great way of getting the best from search results. 
The search description shows up in search results, so you can grab your opportunity to tell your potential visitors exactly what your post can offer them. New Blogger updates allows you to do this quite easily. 

See this page for the total list of Blogger new, updated features to help you blog better and improve your site significantly.

Write search descriptions for blog posts in Blogger

write search descriptions for blog posts and  pages

Anne's a published author, freelance writer and experienced editor. She's just signed her second publishing contract this year with 2 separate publishing houses. You can hire her or see her available books in the side panel on the right.
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