How Writers Build Their Characters

How do writers build their characters? Ideas for stories swing by very often in a writer's head. So do setting and dialogue. One of the hardest things I find about writing is developing my characters. No matter how gripping and original your story is, if your readers don't feel, or can't relate to your characters' plight/position, they cannot completely engage with your novel.
So how do writers build their characters?

See also - lessons on writing articles: how to write an article online
Places to earn from your writing: writing opportunities
And to top up your earning: earn online

What Are Keywords: For Dummies

'What Are Keywords:  For Dummies' is an article every writer and up-and-coming blogger should read. Simply put, it gives you all the basic information about keywords you'll need. 

What are keywords: Keywords are words that describe what your online article or blog post is about. A keyword is a word a person would use when looking for information on the Internet. For example, if I want to buy an e-book about parenting I’d type in ‘parenting e-books’ and hit ‘search’ in my search engine. Keywords are also the words search engines use to describe a blog, a book, an item, or any other product on the web.

Educational Tools and Websites 4 Writers + Bloggers

Educational tools and websites 4 writers and bloggers are important because whether you're an English student studying at a University, a blogger making a living off of your written words, or a writing enthusiast for the pure joy of it, a writer's craft is never perfected. As writers, we are in a constant state of practicing, training, and learning. Every blog entry, article, or story we write is one more lesson in craft, execution, and style. 
This can be a very painstaking and exhausting process no doubt. Writers are ever critical and endlessly perfectionist about their work. For this reason, writing as your profession can be a very challenging process for some. Bloggers and freelance writers traditionally work on deadlines and are forced to sometimes put out pieces of work that aren't completely polished. This is the nature of the business at times. These three educational websites are wonderful tools for writers of any kind—check them out.

Anne's a published author, freelance writer and experienced editor. She's just signed her second publishing contract this year with 2 separate publishing houses. You can hire her or see her available books in the side panel on the right.
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