The First Line

The First Line is a literary magazine in which it's relatively easy to get published. They provide you with a first line, and you write your short story with that. The sentences can always be found at their website and they welcome all genres.

They publish four times a year and are quite well-read. The guideline for entries is usually between 300-3000 words, but there aren't hard and fast rules where this is concerned.

They pay US $30.00 for fiction and US $20 for non-fiction. They will also send you a copy of the magazine your work appears in. You can see the submissions page here. And here is what they've said on their page:

Short Story Submissions

Do you write short stories? If you do, here's an opportunity you don't want to miss out on. Dream Catcher - an international magazine - is looking for short stories of about 2,000 words. 

There's no mention of payment as far as I can see, but this is a good chance to get your foot in the door and be published. I've published a lot of calls for submissions on this blog. And I always try to ensure that they're paid positions. I think that a writer - like every other worker - deserves payment for his/her work. 

Nevertheless, once in a while we have to bite the bullet and give away some of our work to set the ball rolling. Here's what Dream Catcher has said on their site:  

Call For Poets

I'm not a poet, but I know how difficult it can be to get your poetry published, especially if you're an 'unknown' poet. There aren't many magazines accepting new poetry at the moment, so when I caught sight of Iota Magazine's submissions page, I had to tell you about it. 

You can see other opportunities on my call for submissions page here.

Iota Magazine is a small press magazine. They welcome submission of new poetry all year round. Some of the guidelines they've published on their site are:
They do not accept previously published poetry and require poets to send in not more than six pieces at one time.
They require poems written in English only, and translations should be marked as such.
They will also consider poetry anonymously, so a separate top sheet with your details is required.

Compass Books Call For Submissions

Compass Books is a publisher looking for authors who write instructional books. So if you're a writer who speaks at conferences or workshops about your chosen discipline, this publisher may be a good fit for you. They have international authors on their books and are interested in writers who tutor in how-tos like travel, sport, food, writing etc.

You need to submit your manuscript through their website or email (a short proposal). There's a submission form on the site and I would use this in the first instance if I were making an application.
Just so you're prepared, you'll need to send a synopsis, opening chapters, author biography, and full chapter breakdowns (so create this if you haven't got one).

Anne's a published author, freelance writer and experienced editor. She's just signed her second publishing contract this year with 2 separate publishing houses. You can hire her or see her available books in the side panel on the right.
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