Free Gadgets To Monetize Your Blog
All bloggers know of the complicated ways in which we're taught to monetize our sites. The extent is such that some writers and Internet-celebrity bloggers make a living selling costly e-books and tutorials showing us just how to make it big. Not all of those recommendations will work for everyone. After all, even if you're doing everything right, you first of all have to build up an Internet reputation before anyone starts to take notice of anything you say, let alone salivate on your every word. Reputation building takes time, but in the interim, here are some free gadgets you can make use of to bring money to your site. All you have to do is click.
Note: all of these gadgets can be found on your gadgets page. To access, go to your Dashboard. Design. Add a gadget. There are four separate groups of gadgets: basic, featured, most popular, more gadgets.
Pages is the first gadget you come across on your basic gadget page (page 1). It allows you to create free standing pages on your blog. This is a great way of doing paid posts you don't want your regular readers to have to wade through. Creating your post on a page gives you an url and a real post. However, it doesn't clog your new and regular updates. You can always add links of these posts on your disclosure page. Someone who's actually chosen to click on that will see a short cut to all the paid posts you've done. Remember that there are limits to how many pages you can create, so you'll want to pace yourself.
Search box
Briefly, a search box allows your visitors to search the Internet to find exactly what they want. This is providing they couldn't find it on your site. You'll be doing your readers a favour and enhancing their visitor experience on your site. At the same time, adding a search box on your blog means that your visitors stay for much longer than they intended, giving your site more search engine weight. Here is an in-depth article which will teach you all you need to know about adding and monetizing adsense for search on your blog. This gadget is also found on the basic gadgets' page.
It goes without saying that Adsense is one of the main, free gadgets with which to monetize your blog. After setting up your Adsense account you'll need to do a few basic tasks to make your ads really work for you. Many bloggers simply add this gadget and never look at it again. If this is you, you're limiting what you can actually make. Pennies are not enough for all the hard work you put in. You can make a lot more with a few tweaks. Find out in this step-by-step article how your Google adsense can earn you even more. Many bloggers started taking notice only after they received their first Google cheque. This one is also found on your basic gadgets page.
Amazon deals
This one is found on the featured gadgets page (page 2). Amazon deals
If you've had experience with any free gadgets that really helped you earn some cash, please share with us in the comments box below. If you think this post can help someone you know please share it with them or on any of the social networking sites below. Here's the page for the rest of useful, free Blogger gadgets.
Our How Do I Blog page has many more helpful blogging tutorials.
I see a lot of people using Amazon, it seemed to be very popular among writers, since they can link their own books to their website.
While I was still with Blogger it had not offered us Page and Amazon yet. It's a good integration, really. And a very informative post for all Blogger users in monetizing their blogs effectively via these gadgets. You've gradually becoming the Pro in this subject, Anne. :) Well done!
Social?blogging Tracker
I still haven't sign up with Amazon yet..It's just one of those things that I keep forgetting.
I did use Amazon for a while on one of my blogs and after three months of earning nothing I decided it wasn't worth the space! I may have been doing something wrong or perhaps my blog did not get enough read thrus to generate any traffic. If I remember rightly tho, you didn't even get money for a click on this - it was just if someone clicked and then spent money on Amazon. Mmmm!
Hi This has helped me out thanks a hope you dont mind but I have linked this to my site as I feel it will aid my readers. As far as the Amazon thing goes it aint worked for me on any site I've had.
Thanks again
p.s. if you'd like to check out my site please feel free
I'll follow your blog starting today.God bless!
I'm a subscriber now
Hi all, i have seen this amazon in blogger but never try yet. does amazon work well in blogger? Just wonder if anyone can share with their real experiences. Thank you...
I'm just starting out with blogging and your site is very helpful.
Seems what you said about pages is wrong. Pages are static content and cannot contain posts. Am I wrong or do you have some other trick?
Jim, your static pages CAN contain any type of post you want them to. The only thing they don't do is allow you to place tags on them (in Blogger, anyway). Scroll down to the very bottom of my blog and you'll find my pages linked there.
I use my pages to do some paid posts etc.
I have my own site about free stuff from Amazon, feel free to have a look :)
i am very new to blogging so will need to check out what amazon offer
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